Wendy Townsend

Wendy Townsend

Wendy has painted for as long as she can remember, and her work has been exhibited widely both locally in Worcestershire &, latterly Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire, and also in London Galleries.

Her favourite subject is still life, and many paintings feature fruit, flowers, china, copper, brass & crystal.

Since moving to Thame, she has painted many Town Centre scenes which have been sold as cards to raise funds for The Friends of Thame Hospital. Wendy has Macular Degeneration; yet being Vision Impaired does not affect her enthusiasm or talent, and she takes inspiration from Monet who painted his finest work when suffering from cataracts.

Wendy is now in her 10th decade and can regularly be seen in Thame or hopping on the bus to Oxford.

Wendy’s work will be displayed at the Information Centre – Town Hall, Thame from 15-19 October.