Anthony Gabb

Anthony Gabb

“Those Bubble People” – occasionally abbreviated to “Those”– is an artwork label that features a collection of amusingly expressive cartoon characters, each designed and brought to life by their creator and illustrator: Anthony Gabb.

Ant grew up in a small market town within rural Oxfordshire, before qualifying as a professional designer from the University of the West of England in Bristol. He has since been steered toward a far more exciting occupation however, producing humorous artwork and illustrations!

Operating as an art label for just over a year now, “Those Bubble People” has put up a colourful showcase at the Longwick Art Show, London Comic Con, and even the Cross Keys Pub!

While dabbling in a variety of art genres –Key Art, Pop Art, and Street Art to name a few– the artwork Ant produces is primarily inspired by a beloved back-catalogue of childhood cartoons. Cartoons captivated him from day one, and even now they continue to offer a consistent outlet of distraction, inspiration, and entertainment in his day-to-day life.

Anthony’s work will be displayed at Gallant Menswear – 10 Greyhound Walk, Thame from 15-19 October.